Having a heart for missions, I could never have imagined the missions field in our own back yard. Let me share a few of the things that God has put in my path in the first 9 months of ministry:
- 3 orphaned children (kindergarten, 1st grade & 5th grade) after their mother passed away and then a fight to help their dad get them back from DSS
- Ring worms rampant through Hispanic Children – translated school documents and helped get over the counter medicine
- Children that moved overnight to family as their parents get their life straightened out
- A preemie baby that has survived and put on a healthy 9 lbs. in the last month
- Baptisms - 4 Elementary/2 Middle School
- 1 Prayer of Salvation with a student at 1st Wednesday
- Prayed over prayers on elementary cross: help my mommy to stop being angry, it is quiet at home since we came to church, thanks for my new daddy and many more that will break your heart