Saturday, February 21, 2009

Where You Are At...

I am sitting here on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, resting and anticipating the words that God has for people that will walk into the Dream Center tomorrow morning, but if I am honest...Sundays aren't my favorite day. It isn't that I dread them, it is just that I feel like it has become the universal 'God Day.'

It's Sunday, we are expecting to go to church and we are expecting to share the message and we are expecting people to make the decision to follow Christ, but when did that become the norm?

Don't get me wrong, I know that many of you reading this will say that you share Christ daily and I am encouraged by that, but I question whether that is the norm? If we look at the life of Christ as an example, He shared the gospel where he was at: the well, the middle of the street, a friend's home, the dinner table...where ever He was at and where ever there were people to listen.

That's why I love the Dream Center! Because we have taken a deliberate approach to take the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to where the people are...I look forward to:
  • the times I drive down the street and can share Him
  • Adopt-a-Block Saturdays where we bring it to a person's doorstep
  • dinners with friends as their loved ones are imprisoned
  • greeting people as they come looking for food and clothing, but receive so much
  • seeing the eyes of people as volunteer medical staff heal them in the name of Jesus

You see, if you are looking for Jesus in the church on Sunday, I'm afraid you are seeing in part. He is outside the four walls of that building and my prayer is that you will find Him and share Him where you are at...

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